what do you need to be good at to be an engineer

What jobs are available in the computer industry?

Updated: xi/06/2021 by Figurer Hope


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Computer job

The following listing was created for users who bask computers only are uncertain what field to enter. Each department contains a clarification of a job, the requirements, and recommendations on how to proceed if you're interested.

This page does not contain salary information because it varies greatly depending on the company and its location. However, information technology's condom to assume that with the increased difficulty and feel requirements comes higher pay. If you are looking for a pay range, refer to your local listings (paper) or online salary sites for a general overview.

The qualifications and requirements for these jobs vary, but many of them take entry-level positions. We suggest looking at data entry, freelancer, sales, quality assurance, or technical back up jobs equally your offset reckoner task or if you're looking to get your human foot in the door.

3D animation or graphic pattern

Clarification: A position where you blueprint and create either a graphic or 3D animations for software programs, games, movies, and spider web pages, often with a squad of other designers. The position may also require you to work on existing graphics, animations, and movies, created by other people.

Requirements: An private applying for this job would need to be talented in design and creating visuals, and for nearly people, this is not something y'all could learn in training. Also, you must have a proficient agreement of the software programs used to create visual designs or 3D animations.

Recommendations: To get into graphic design, learn how to employ major graphics programs, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and other programs used to create pictures or edit photos. If you're applying for any design or animation visitor, information technology's also a skillful idea to have a portfolio of your work.

  • Definition of animation and a list of animation software.
  • What programme can I employ to view, edit, or create images?

Difficulty: (MEDIUM - HIGH) Many of the programs used to create a graphic, edit a photo, or create a 3D render are circuitous and often require prior experience gained through grooming or schooling.

Customer service

Description: Helping customers with full general questions relating to the company, ordering, status on orders, account information or condition, etc.

Requirements: Need proficient communication skills and a general understanding of the company and its products.

Recommendations: Groovy starting position for anyone looking to get their foot in the door of a company. Once working for a visitor, you'll have a ameliorate hazard of changing to the position yous want.

Difficulty: (LOW) Client service jobs merely require basic reckoner proficiency and the ability to navigate through the company's organization, but solemnly require the employee to be skilled in more technical areas.

Information entry

Description: A job that commonly requires the employee to take data from a difficult copy or another source and enter information technology into an electronic format. Position may too exist taking electronic information and entering it into a database for easy sorting and locating.

Requirements: Requires someone capable of typing forty-50 or more WPM, basic computer proficiency, and familiarity with word processors.

Recommendations: Practice your typing and accept online typing tests to determine your overall speed.

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Difficulty: (Depression) Most data entry jobs are beginner-level jobs and don't require much or any prior feel or formal didactics.


Description: A chore that requires creating, testing, and maintaining ane or more databases.

Requirements: Requires familiarity with or all-encompassing knowledge of databases at the place of employment. For example, knowledge with Admission, FoxPro, MySQL, SQL, and Sybase database systems.

Recommendations: Become familiar with the database used in the concern. If the job is for the connected evolution of a database, you lot need a adept understanding of its respective programming language. Often, this knowledge requires feel or formal education.

Difficulty: (MEDIUM - Loftier) Developing or maintaining a database is a hard and complicated job. As mentioned above, you need to have experience or formal didactics to be considered by almost companies.

Electronics technician or engineer

Description: Assembling, testing, and repairing electronic equipment.

Requirements: A potent agreement of bones and advanced electronics.

Recommendations: Get a formal instruction in electronics and electro-mechanical, or cocky-teach yourself by building an electronic system or device.

Difficulty: (Loftier) Having a strong understanding of electronics often takes several years of formal education or on-the-chore experience.


Description: An engineer designs and implements mechanical and electronic equipment. A broad and difficult field, engineering oftentimes requires a college caste or at very to the lowest degree several certifications. Although used broadly on this folio, the engineer is usually specified in the job requirement. For example, a software evolution engineer may exist a highly skilled estimator programmer.

Requirements: The requirements for this chore modify, depending on the engineering field that interests you. However, equally mentioned above, any engineering job requires a vast cognition of the bailiwick affair; usually from school, certifications, training, or years of experience.

Recommendations: Get preparation and teaching on the subject of interest from books, college, the Internet, and other sources. Oftentimes before you can qualify for many engineer positions, you lot need feel; therefore, information technology's a good idea to become an entry-level job in the same field. For example, if you want to be a software engineer, become a task in programming, or create a plan. If y'all desire to go a network engineer, get a job that requires you to gear up, maintain, or otherwise work with professional networks. You tin start learning by setting up your home network.

Difficulty: (Loftier) At the median level, this job and position requires experience or a caste.

Freelancer or virtual banana

Description: Cheers to the Internet, information technology's possible for anyone to get a freelancer and apply for positions effectually the world.

  • How to make money online.

Requirements: Computer and high-speed Cyberspace connectedness.

Recommendations: There is a broad assortment of freelance jobs available online, and so information technology is difficult to give any specific recommendation. All the same, know that working from domicile can be difficult, there are more distractions, and it's hard to keep a schedule. Ready a strict work schedule and ever brand sure you work for what y'all feel your time is worth.

Difficulty: (Low - HIGH) This all depends on the job you employ for since at that place are low difficulty freelance jobs such as customer service and high difficulty jobs like freelance programming.


Description: A position equally a hardware designer, excursion design, embedded systems, firmware, etc. is a job that requires you to design and create a consummate hardware package or portions of a hardware device.

Requirements: Jobs that pattern or create hardware devices require you to have a skillful understanding of electronics, circuits, firmware, or design. For this position, you lot demand to have several years of prior experience or a degree in the field.

Recommendations: If you are interested in this field, we suggest you get a degree in the field.

Difficulty: (HIGH) Hardware blueprint is a difficult position to acquire and understand unless you get grooming or a degree.

Networking or system administrator

Description: Computer networking jobs involve designing, setting up, and maintaining a network.

Requirements: Although most users today have a dwelling network, setting up, troubleshooting, and maintaining a corporate network is a much more complicated chore. Networking jobs also require a skilful understanding of how a network works, and in some cases, how the underlying protocols and construction work.

Recommendations: Numerous network and network-related certifications available today, such equally the CCNA, MCSE, etc. Often depending on the level of certification and the task, the certifications are more than enough to qualify you for near network jobs. Some of the higher networking positions, especially in the development of network hardware or programming side, may too require experience in networking or a degree.

Difficulty: (MEDIUM - HIGH) Depending on the task specifications and the complexity of the network usually determines the difficulty of this job.

Programmer or software developer

Description: A job that requires the development or continued evolution and maintenance of a software plan.

Requirements: A basic to an all-encompassing understanding of a programming language. Considering almost job positions crave the power to help develop a program, they require several years of experience or a degree.


With software on the Net, a developer is often classified as someone who works on the back stop.

Recommendations: Larn 1 or more programming languages. Depending on what programs or scripts you want to create may change the language you desire to learn. See the programming language definition for a listing of pop programming languages and programs they create. If y'all demand experience, creating software programs or working on an open-source project is a not bad fashion to learn a language and demonstrate your abilities at a job interview.

Difficulty: (HIGH) Learning a programming language tin be every bit difficult as learning a second language and takes lots of experience and practice to become a skilled programmer.

Quality assurance, system analyst, or tester

Description: This job requires that the employee test all the features of a product for any problems or usability issues.

Requirements: Requires yous to have a good understanding of computer software, hardware, and the production beingness tested.

Recommendations: Become familiar with computers, software, hardware, and the products the visitor makes.

Difficulty: (Depression - MEDIUM) What is being tested and how thorough in depth the troubleshooting process is determines the difficulty of this job. Still, for users familiar with the product or similar products, there's non have much difficulty locating and reporting issues.

Repair and set

Description: A chore that requires you to set up and repair computers and computer equipment. Often this involves removing a component from in the estimator and replacing it with a expert component.

Requirements: A skilful understanding of reckoner hardware, figurer disassembly, proper tools, and good troubleshooting skills.

Recommendations: Build a computer or detach and re-gather a calculator. Become familiar with computers, software, hardware, and the products the visitor makes.

Difficulty: (MEDIUM - HIGH) This job requires a adept understanding of disassembling a figurer, knowing what can be repaired, and how to fix or supersede components.


Description: Selling a product or service to another person or company.

Requirements: Practiced advice skills and a full general understanding of computers and the product that is being sold.

Recommendations: If y'all are selling computers, computer hardware, or computer software, get familiar with all aspects of the product. Sites like Estimator Hope are a great resource to acquire about computers. If y'all are selling a specialized product adult by the visitor, visit their web page, and become as familiar with the product every bit possible.

Difficulty: (Low) Sales for computer software, hardware, electronics, or related products is a proficient first chore and is a good style to learn more virtually computers.

Technical back up (technician or aid desk)

Description: Helping an end-user or company employee with their computers, software programs, and hardware devices. A technical support position is a great showtime step for people interested in working in the reckoner industry.

Requirements: A basic understanding of computers, computer software, and hardware.

Recommendations: Become as familiar as possible with computers, reckoner software, and figurer hardware. Although almost all technical support centers provide some grade of preparation, most however require you to exist familiar with computers.

Help desks for corporations do not usually have any grooming; these positions crave you to have a good understanding of computers and troubleshooting reckoner issues.

  • How to become a computer technician.
  • How can I larn more near computers?

Difficulty: (Depression - MEDIUM) The difficulty of this job depends on the preparation you get. However, someone familiar with computers or works with computers oft has an easy time with these positions later on a few days.

Technical writing

Description: This position often involves creating or editing technical papers or manuals.

Requirements: This position oftentimes requires that the individual has a bones understanding of the subject being written almost and take good writing skills.

Recommendations: Many of these positions crave you to have a caste and often test a user before hiring them. Information technology is as well a good idea to exist familiar with at least one major word processor and a CMS (content management organisation) if writing online.

Difficulty: (LOW - MEDIUM) For someone who has skilful writing skills and familiarity with the subject, this task can exist easy.

Security skillful

Description: Examination and find vulnerabilities in a organisation, hardware device, or software program.

Requirements: This position is for someone who has a strong familiarity with how software, hardware, and networks work and how to exploit them. Oft, you need to have a adept understanding of how the overall arrangement works and skillful programming skills.

Recommendations: Keep up-to-date with all security news, advisories, and other related news. To get a proficient understanding of vulnerabilities and how to identify them, you lot'll need to empathise how to program and how software interacts with computers.

  • How practice I create a computer program?

Difficulty: (MEDIUM - Loftier) The difficulty of this chore depends on what you are testing or how you are testing for vulnerabilities.

Webmaster or spider web designer

Description: Create, maintain, or completely design a spider web page.

Requirements: For basic web designing positions, a practiced understanding of HTML, the Internet, and web servers is needed. Have a good agreement of the technologies and lawmaking used to create a spider web page and the HTML editor or program used to create the page. More avant-garde positions may also crave familiarity with CGI, CSS, Flash, FTP, JavaScript, jQuery, Linux, Perl, PHP, Python, RSS, SSI, Unix, or XHTML.


A designer is oft classified equally someone who works on the front end end.

Recommendations: 1 of the best learning experiences for people who are interested in this job is to create a web page or assistance maintain some other website. Keep in heed, that designing and posting a spider web page using a WYSIWYG editor without some basic understanding of HTML may not be enough for well-nigh jobs.

Difficulty: (MEDIUM - HIGH) The complication of this job depends on the project. Creating and posting a simple website with no interaction is not that hard. However, creating an interactive site with forms, databases, and overall more interaction with the user and the server tin increase the difficulty of the job significantly.


Source: https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000764.htm

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