Sent Them Home to Think Again

The playing of national anthems earlier international football game matches is a time-honoured a tradition.

For a terminal time before the kicking-off and the ushering in of the blood, sweat, tears and passion, the players give one last reminder of the anniversary and ritual that is bound-up in representing 1's land.

Loved past many, observed by nigh and loathed past a few, the playing of the anthems is an enduring office of the international game.

Goal takes every bit a look at ane of those tunes that is sometimes heard at the Globe Loving cup and European Championship, Flower of Scotland , used by... Scotland.

Scotland national football team anthem

Formally speaking, God Salvage The Queen is the national anthem of the whole Uk, pregnant the Scots, however unwillingly, are ultimately tethered to the anthem of their greatest sporting rivals.

Nevertheless, for football purposes, Blossom Of Scotland serves to drum up Celtic passions alee of the Tartan Army's international outings – although it hadn't been heard at a major championship for over 20 years until its outing at Euro 2020.

Flower Of Scotland lyrics in full

O Flower of Scotland,
When will we see
Your like once again,
That fought and died for,
Your wee bit Colina and Glen,
And stood against him (against who?),
Proud Edward'southward Army,
And sent him homeward,
To think again.

The Hills are bare now,
And Autumn leaves
lie thick and still,
O'er land that is lost now,
Which those then dearly held,
That stood against him (confronting who?),
Proud Edward's Army,
And sent him homeward,
To recollect again.

Those days are past at present,
And in the past
they must remain,
But nosotros tin can however rise now,
And be the nation again,
That stood against him (confronting who?),
Proud Edward's Army,
And sent him homeward,
To think again.

Penned by musician Roy Williamson, Flower Of Scotland is a relatively recent slice, and was only adopted past the national team in 1997, although by then information technology had already been in informal employ since 1993.

Fittingly in the context of Scottish football (or non, depending on your fidelity), the lyrics are a reference to the victory scored by Robert the Bruce over Edward II's English army at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314, though the anthem'southward stirring refrain hasn't catalyzed many echo successes since. Scotland oasis't browbeaten England on the pitch since Don Hutchinson headed the winner at Wembley in a 1-0 win in 1999.

You can listen to the song beingness sung ahead of a game against England in the video above.

When was Bloom Of Scotland introduced to Scottish sport?

HD Scotland fans 2014

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Its introduction to international sport in Scotland came at the 1990 Rugby Union Five Nations game against England at Edinburgh's Murrayfield Stadium, a game that the Scots won to clinch the Grand Slam.

Unusually, it is simply the first and third verses that are usually sung for sporting purposes.

Being as it is merely a constituent country of the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, Scotland doesn't accept an 'official' national canticle of its own. Bloom Of Scotland was nominally adopted every bit the country's canticle in 2006 when a poll conducted by the Majestic Scottish National Orchestra saw it clock 41 per cent in a public poll, fending off iv other rousing anthems, including Scotland The Brave.

Jim Leighton Scotland 1998

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In 2003, a call for the Scottish Parliament to commission an official Scottish national anthem was turned down after the notion was raised past the MSP George Reid, who argued that Scotland needed a "proper" anthem.

Only the Parliament's petitions committee told him it did not have such powers, rather that it was a matter for the Home Office in London, a antiphon which left Reid somewhat less than satisfied.

"Nosotros've much to be proud of and we demand an anthem to say and then to others and to remind ourselves," Reid told the BBC . "Something nosotros tin sing with pride on important ocassions."

It was a sentiment shared within the ranks of the Scottish Football Associatiom the post-obit year, when SFA caput George Peat spoke out against the anthem upon his appointment to Scottish football's top job.

"Personally, I would favour a more stirring anthem than the i we have at present," said Peat.

"When the song is sung at Hampden it is reasonable but when the national team goes abroad, it tin can become embarrassing.

"It's played at nigh a third of the speed information technology should be and the fans end upward 4 or five bars ahead."

Read more

  • 'Yes Sir, I Can Boogie' - Lyrics & history of Scotland celebration song

  • England national anthem: God Salve the Queen lyrics in full

  • French republic national anthem: La Marseillaise lyrics in full


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