Office Art in This Office We Do Teamwork Human Resources

PROFessionals of the Month

The focus of the PROFessionals of the Month programme is to recognize, on a monthly basis, exemplary Rowan employees as nominated by fellow members of the University community.

The program is for faculty, staff, or employee groups at any level across all University campuses. The monthly recipient(south), chosen by the Employee Recognition Committee, will receive a special visit by the committee'south Prof Patrol, a grouping of professionals defended to recognizing—and celebrating—outstanding work by Rowan employees.

Nominations can be submitted for individual employees, piece of work groups or project teams. The ideal candidate will take played a major office in a recent, exceptional accomplishment, preferably in the calendar month they have been nominated for (Examples: Completion of a high touch on chore or project, successful arrangement of an effect, receipt of an honor for an outstanding achievement, etc.).

To nominate kinesthesia, staff, or a team of professionals for the PROFessional(s) of the Month, send an email, in 200 words or less, explaining why your nominee(s) should be recognized to past the finish of the month. Experience gratis to re-submit nominations that were previously submitted!

Which Rowan professional person or team of professionals has gone higher up and beyond the call of duty in serving the Academy customs? Who in the past month exhibited terrific educatee engagement, customer service, and teamwork, exemplifying all that is terrific most Rowan professionals?

In short, who should exist Rowan'south PROFessional(s) of the Month?

February 2022

Kelsey Hayes, Certified Medical Assistant, Family Medicine, SOM

Prof of the month February 2022

Congratulations to Kelsey Hayes (center, green shirt for St. Patrick's twenty-four hours!) for existence selected as the February PROFessional of the Month!

Kelsey Hayes is a Certified Medical Assistant with Rowan Medicine at the Stratford Office. Kelsey has shown a delivery to excellence and exemplary customer service, fifty-fifty with having to confront the challenges to health intendance posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. On a regular basis, she presents a cheerful, professional demeanor to patients and colleagues even nether stressful situations. She consistently goes above and across to assist the squad take care of patients. An case from an online patient review is illustrative:

"I decided to go the Covid vaccine on August 2. I walked into the part and was greeted by a lovely young woman by the proper noun of Kelsey. I explained my state of affairs and she made an appointment for the following twenty-four hours. She took all of my information and was very professional person. I shared with her that I was very uptight. She was non merely kind and compassionate, but told me that she was certified to give me the vaccine. I highly recommend the office and the staff. Kelsey is so very compassionate and caring. There should be more people like that working in doctors' offices."

Kelsey goes in a higher place and across to make sure each patient is comfy and taken care of in the part. She is consistently willing to assist out when needed and she always does then with a smile on her face (fifty-fifty through the mask)!

Kelsey, because of your dedication and infrequent efforts for and then many patients and colleagues, we honour you as the February Professional of the Month. Dandy job!!

January 2022

Amy Woodworth, Asst. Professor, Writing Arts & Jude Miller, Lecturer, Writing Arts

Prof of the month Jan 2022

Congratulations to Amy Woodworth (blue balloon/bag) and Jude Miller (red balloon/bag) for being selected as the Jan PROFessionals of the Month!

It's very rewarding and meaningful when a colleague takes the fourth dimension to express their appreciation for the tremendous piece of work and effort that y'all accept consistently put forth, and that is exactly what we have with the honorees for the January PROFessionals of the Month (see below).

With keen enthusiasm, I nominate Amy Woodworth and Jude Miller as PROFs of the month. Amy is the coordinator of the First-Twelvemonth Writing plan at Rowan, and Jude Miller is the assistant coordinator. Amy and Jude oversee approximately 100 instructors and provide exceptional service to virtually 3,000 students each year.

They place the needs of the students and instructors start, and diligently work to provide support to every individual. Amy and Jude are the almost thorough and thoughtful program managers that about of usa have had the pleasure of working with. Amy and Jude place customs care, student care, and self-intendance at the core of their actions, and they both tirelessly work to support the full well-being of those they pb. Moreover, Amy and Jude are committed to increasing the equity and inclusion of the Commencement-Year Writing plan. They are leading several important initiatives to make up one's mind and implement the best practices of DEI throughout our program.

Above all of this, Amy and Jude have the special and all likewise rare gift of beingness able to inspire and gloat their colleagues' actions and accomplishments. We are each improve instructors and co-workers considering we work alongside of Amy and Jude. Please seriously consider honoring two of Rowan'southward finest employees: Amy Woodworth and Jude Miller.

Amy and Jude, because of your dedication and outstanding efforts for so many students and colleagues, we honor you as the January PROFessionals of the Month. Swell task!!

December 2021

Dr. Benjamin Carone, Asst. Professor, Molecular & Cellular Biosciences (seated)

Prof of the month december 2021

There are few things as rewarding for a faculty member as receiving a nomination similar this for PROF of the Calendar month from one of your students (see below).

I would similar to nominate Dr. Benjamin R. Carone for Prof of the Month. Dr. Carone is a professor and researcher in the Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Dept., and is hands down the well-nigh amazing professor I have ever had. This semester was a challenge for a lot of students, including myself, considering it was the showtime semester back in-person after an incredibly long tenure of "Zoom-college". Dr. Carone, nonetheless, made the transition dorsum to in-person learning piece of cake, comprehendible, and near importantly, enjoyable. From the get-go day of the semester to the concluding, he was upbeat, enthusiastic, and kept a positive mindset no matter what was happening in the world around united states. It made going to his grade something I looked forward to.

In December, he held a multitude of open office hours to aid us study for our finals and responded to email questions promptly if you were unable to attend the office hours. Additionally, he made sure we all knew what was happening in our big lab report that was due at the cease of the semester. He fifty-fifty graded exams early on to make sure that anyone who was leaving campus had the chance to get them dorsum and ask questions earlier they left for break.

He went out of his style to make sure he had a positive touch on on his students' mental wellness, including myself, and in that location is no amount of cheers I could requite him in words for how grateful I am to take been under his educational activity. All in all, I think Dr. Carone is a shining low-cal in the sometimes-dark work that is academia, and he deserves to be recognized for his dedication and true love for education and inspiring students.

Dr. Carone, because of your dedication and exceptional efforts for so many students and colleagues, nosotros honor you as the December Professional person of the Month. Not bad job!!

Nov, 2021

Gabe Aquino, Wellness Ctr.

pom nov 2021pom nov 202a

Congratulations to Gabe Aquino for being selected equally the November PROFessional of the Calendar month!

Gabe not only has the most wonderful personal attributes – kind, compassionate, circumspect, to proper name a few, only he is also such a supportive and hardworking coworker. Gabe is a crisis advisor in the Wellness Center, and works tirelessly for our students. He has done countless consultations with students who walk in while in a crisis during this Busy, stressful semester without complaint, all the while making every individual experience heard and supported while in their presence. Gabe has astute clinical abilities to top it off, and deserves a aureate star for his skillful efforts in managing mental health crises over these past couple of hectic months. Gabe is an all-effectually awesome human and I feel and so lucky to work alongside him.

Gabe, because of your dedication and infrequent efforts for and so many students and employees, we honor you every bit the November Professional person of the Month. Slap-up job!!

October, 2021

The Student Center and Campus Activities team


Congratulations to the Student Center and Campus Activities team for being selected as the October PROFessionals of the Month!

Recently, while attempting to cross busy Road 322 near the Chamberlain Pupil Center, a student riding a bicycle collided with a car. The student was  thrown from his bike.

A member of the Student Center & Campus Activities team saw the accident from her part window and immediately called for Joe Lizza, Director of the Chamberlain Student Heart and Campus Activities. Lizza, a volunteer firefighter in his hometown of Hammonton, and Lauren Kuski, Associate Director of SCCA, immediately ran outside and attended to the student, keeping him calm and safe until police and EMTs arrived. Lizza and Kuski had to deal not but with foot traffic just, also, cars on Route 322. They acted with truthful professionalism, care and kindness while tending to the student's needs.

Additionally, this wasn't the first fourth dimension this semester Lizza'south lifesaving skills were required to assist a pupil. During a staff training for SCCA educatee workers, a student began choking on some food. Lizza applied the Heimlich maneuver and helped dislodge the nutrient from the student's airway.

Through their work, these SCCA professionals always demonstrate extraordinary delivery to our students. But this month, they kicked that service up a notch, going above and beyond their usual duties to assistance a student in genuine distress.

In addition to the great work by Joe Lizza and Lauren Kuski, the entire SCCA team deserves accolades for its delivery to our students. Their work—and they piece of work exceedingly hard – contributes magnificently to the lifeblood of our institution and has a directly, positive bear on on the lives of our students.

Whether it's producing extraordinary late-nighttime programming for students, keeping the Chamberlain Student Middle (probable the near busy building on campus) humming, managing both educatee events or loftier profile university-level events, or hosting vaccination and early voting sites, the team has a true can-do attitude. Their teamwork and professionalism make our university polish at every turn.

A example in point: Recently, Rowan hosted Homecoming, which was co-chaired by Melissa Ulmer and two of her graduate students. The team produced six straight days of student events (including the very labor intensive Lip Sync Competition) and culminated with the Homecoming tailgate. Ulmer and her graduate students made Homecoming a tremendous week for students and alumni. Their commitment to (and love of) Rowan is merely extraordinary.

 The SCCA team includes:

  • Joe Lizza (SCCA Director)
  • Lauren Kuski (Associate Director, Programing and Administrative Operations)
  • Melissa Ulmer (Assistant Director, Marketing and Pupil Programs)
  • Matt Hird (Banana Director, Event and Information Services)
  • Jay Patel (Assistant Director, Rowan After Hours and Student Recognition)
  • Dan Hartman (Assistant Director, Building Operations)
  • Susan Chard and Ruth Bappert (Administrative Assistants)
  • Their graduate student squad

Because of your dedication and outstanding efforts for students and the University as a whole, we honor you as the Oct PROFessionals of the Month. Not bad job!!

September, 2021

Heather Glenn, Department of Psychiatry, SOM

pom september Prof of the Month September

Congratulations to Heather Glenn for being selected as the September PROFessional of the Month!

I am thrilled to nominate our department'due south Education Coordinator, Heather Glenn, for Professional person of the Month. In my opinion, in that location is no i more than deserving of this laurels.

Heather is responsible for managing the educational outflow from our department, which includes the first twelvemonth Brain and Behavior and second-year Human Sexuality blocks, the third-year psychiatry clerkship, which requires coordination with over x hub sites, and the psychiatry residency, which has a full complement of sixteen residents for the first time.

She is bachelor 24/vii, never failing to reply in less than twenty minutes. She provides support, guidance, and reassurance to our students and residents, always making them feel better or rooting their comments in reality. She is looked to as a dependable, responsible, and skilled colleague. She never misses a deadline, of which she has MANY, and she is always prepared. She is tech savvy, smart, flexible, and remains cool under pressure. I look to her every 24-hour interval to reflect and talk over ideas, and her opinions are highly valued and influential on our department'southward mission and initiatives.​

Because of your dedication and outstanding efforts for your department and the University as a whole, we honor you as the September PROFessional of the Month. Keen job!!

August, 2021

The Campus Recreation Team
POM August 2021

Congratulations to the Campus Recreation Team for being selected as the August PROFessionals of the Month!

The Campus Recreation team was tasked with the challenge of boot off the Strategic Planning Elevation by facilitating some teambuilding/icebreaker activities on August 9thursday. The Campus Recreation team was able to collaborate with University Events, the Student Center, and the Campus Activities squad to successfully plan the programme and make it a valuable component to beginning the summit. The Campus Recreation section staff led multiple activities starting with a Rock, Newspaper, Pair of scissors competition, and then a Cooperative Maze Challenge, and finally, an activeness of Object Reconstruction. The facilitators provided guidance for the activities, debriefed on the purpose and outcomes of the practice, and provided prizes to the fastest teams in the maze or all-time replicated structure. The staff excelled in leading the Rowan Academy leadership team with conviction and they appreciated the level of free energy and participation of the private attendees.

Here are the facilitating squad members:

Kevin George – Director of Campus Recreation

Andrew Havrisko – Assistant Director of Intramural Sports & Special Events

Alexis Gross - Graduate Coordinator of Facilities

Emily Ohlson - Graduate Coordinator of Sport Clubs & Educatee Development

Julie Mengle - Graduate Coordinator of Fitness/Wellness

I-Yun Lee – Graduate Coordinator of Marketing

Val Russo – Graduate Coordinator of Member Services

Nyindu Kabangu - Graduate Coordinator of Intramural Sports & Special Events

Because of your dedication and outstanding efforts for your department and the University equally a whole, we honor you as the Baronial PROFessionals of the Calendar month. Great task!!

July, 2021

Sahana Varadaraju, Information Resource & Engineering science

Prof of the month July 2021

Congratulations to Sahana Varadaraju (certificate in hand) for being selected as the July Professional person of the Month!

Sahana is an absolute star of Information Resource & Engineering (IRT) and Rowan University as a whole! She has helped multiple departments with streamlining their manual processes towards automation, including taking days-long pandemic-related course coding issues and reducing information technology to a user-submitted job that runs in x minutes. But non only is she amazingly skilled, she's besides a wonderful colleague – she's worked WITH us on then many bug, collaborating to brand the best outcome. She listens to our needs, our ideas and suggestions, and really works to comprise them to help brand the best overall product.

Equally if all that wasn't enough, she is one of the main reasons behind this recently posted Daily Postal service article:

University Scheduling Automation Success

The 300 hours of staff time saved? She played a big part in that endeavor!

I tin can't call up of someone more deserving to be honored for the PROF of the Calendar month. She is kind, competent, collaborative, effective, efficient, and all around awesome.

Sahana, because of your dedication and outstanding efforts for so many employees and Academy departments and divisions, we honor you as the July PROFessional of the Calendar month. Peachy task!!

June, 2021

Courtney Cifaloglio, The Office of Human Resource

POM June 2021

Congratulations to Courtney Cifaloglio (2nd from left) from the Office of Human Resource for being selected as the June Professional of the Calendar month!

Courtney Cifaloglio began her career at Rowan University as a member of the Human Resources team in 2015. Throughout her time here, Courtney has consistently delivered outstanding customer service. She is very knowledgeable about so many topics and, like many, has had to work under tremendous pressure level with the bear on of COVID. Despite the pressure, Courtney reliably answers questions promptly and never gives you a short answer. Instead, she takes the fourth dimension to provide specific details equally information technology may impact or apply to your unique state of affairs.

Knowing that Rowan employees have Courtney as such a undecayed resources is a tremendous asset to this Academy. She is undoubtedly worthy of beingness honored as a Professional person of the Month!

May, 2021

Emily Bowman, Honors College

POM May 2021

Congratulations to Emily Bowman (center) from the Honors College for being selected as the May Professional of the Month!

Emily Bowman began working in the Honors College in September of 2019. During her short time at Rowan, she has already distinguished herself with an exemplary work ethic, first-class relationships with staff and students, and superb technical piece of work. Specifically, she has overseen the successful transformation of the Honors' admissions process to SLATE, by working closely and collaborating with the Admissions team. This alter has made rating applications so much meliorate for our function team and the faculty members. Additionally, during the pandemic she also moved our form evaluation organization to Qualtrics, cutting out tiresome and fourth dimension-consuming transcription piece of work. She is an innovative team player and a tremendous asset to Rowan University. She is certainly worthy of being honored every bit a PROFessional of the Month!

Because of your commitment and extraordinary efforts for your department and the Academy, nosotros award you lot as the May Professional of the Month. Bang-up job!!

April, 2021

Anne Tomasello, Family Medicine, SOM

POM April 2021 aPOM April 2021 b

Congratulations to Anne Tomasello from the Dept. of Family Medicine for being selected every bit the Apr PROFessional of the Month!

Anne Tomasello, Administrative Coordinator in the Department of Family unit Medicine at SOM, was appointed to a very tall task as the Projection Manager for the Rowan Medicine Vaccination Eye.

Anne exceeded expectations by working tirelessly around the clock to manage every item of the clinic – from volunteer management, to scheduling, to patient management – Anne was always there to ensure the quality & condom of the clinic.  Anne's positive outlook, kind demeanor and attending to detail are unparalleled. She was known to consistently offer to help others, fifty-fifty when she was busy running various aspects of the daily tasks of our operations. She was easily on – jumping in to greet patients, prep clipboards and lend a paw in our monitoring area when volunteer counts were calorie-free.

Additionally, Anne led the planning of the pop-up J&J clinic in Glassboro, leading to a successful unmarried-day distribution of 2,000 vaccines to the Rowan University student population and Glassboro community. Our clinic has been recognized by the Country for accurateness, safety and quality – none of which would be possible without Anne's tremendous leadership. She did all of this while still managing to complete her regular job duties as an Authoritative Coordinator for Family Medicine. I, for i, am so grateful to have worked with Anne on this project and to have learned from her leadership way.

Anne absolutely deserves to exist the Professional of the Month.

Because of your extraordinary efforts and delivery to your department and the University as a whole, we honor you equally the April Professional of the Month. Infrequent job!!

March, 2021

Rowan Able-bodied Training Staff

Steve Schultz, Colleen Grugan, and Chris Pantellere

POM March 2021 pic 1.jpgPOM March 2021 pic 2.jpg

Congratulations to the Rowan Athletic Training Staff for being selected every bit the March PROFessionals of the Month!

 In an unprecedented yr in the earth, permit lonely our Athletics Department, the athletic training staff of Colleen Grugan, Steven Schultz and Christopher Pantellere take stood strong, worked tirelessly, and have been our first call at all times. They have made significant contributions over the past yr profitable our coaches and student athletes in coping with the pandemic and those efforts have really been magnified recently as athletics has returned to competition. They have intendance of over 650 student athletes and eighteen able-bodied programs that all take unlike training needs. They were exceptional with steering united states through the NCAA mandates of testing and new protocols, all while maintaining safety, providing not bad wellness care, and tiptop of the line support.

Like virtually other areas, this staff has had to reinvent how to safely operate during these times. The difference is that they had to find ways to practice and then while allowing athletes to practice and compete besides as treating able-bodied injuries and recoveries. They were instrumental in establishing and coordinating contact tracing within teams, too as testing protocols to allow for competition to resume. The team as well provided significant input on all-time practices for property contests while social distancing. Additionally, the grouping continued to mentor able-bodied training students and give them practical experiences for their professional person evolution.

Almost importantly, student athletes have an established comfort level and stiff relationships with the athletic training, providing an additional outlet for those students. The training staff could and then direct the students to seek help through the proper channels if need be. They have been a literal safety net for the educatee athletes, athletic training students, and staff of the Athletic Department from a wellness stand up point.

These individuals take consistently been diligent in caring for all of the members of the Athletic Department every bit well every bit others in the Rowan community. Those traits have had to expand exponentially in these times and they have risen to the task admirably.

This month we have been able to return to spring sports competition, a major hurdle for usa in returning to some course of normalcy. The able-bodied preparation staff helped put us in the position to be able to practise so safely. They are most deserving of recognition in a normal yr, in a normal month, let alone at present when we would be lost without them. Considering of this team's commitment to the Academy, and boggling efforts during a challenging fourth dimension, we honor this group as the March PROFessionals of the Month. Great job, team!!

February, 2021

Robert Thorpe and the Rowan Amusement Technology 3-D Print Squad

    Robert Thorpe                   Dirk Durossette              Thomas Fusco      Alex Dossantos

      Stephen Minder                    Andrew Robinson                    Gregg Carter

Congratulations to Robert Thorpe and the Rowan Amusement Engineering three-D Print Team for being selected as the February PROFessionals of the Calendar month!

In March, 2020, Rowan had just released plans for a Re-useable 3D-Printed Face up mask. Around the aforementioned time, Robert Thorpe (Lighting Designer for the Dept. of Theatre and Dance) was researching new technologies to share with his students upon their render for the Fall semester. He believed that 3D Press was a technology worth pursuing so he purchased a 3D printer to acquire and use.

He used the machine to print a mask and thought that others might like to accept i. So, he decided to apply his regime stimulus money to purchase three more machines so plenty of masks could be printed over the summer. Robert then decided to course a squad called the: Rowan Entertainment Technology 3-D Print Team .

Robert talked to his colleagues and supplied Professor Tom Fusco (Theatre Technical Managing director), Dirk Durossette (Breathtaking Designer) and Alex Dossantos (Theatre Graduate and former Lighting Assistant) with the additional 3 machines once they arrived. He contacted lighting student Stephen Minder and Technical Theatre Graduates Gregg Carter and Andrew Robinson who already endemic 3D printers. Each of the team members committed to printing at least 25 of the masks at their homes earlier the Fall semester would start.

By September, the team had printed over 150 masks and filter holders. The masks were distributed to all of the students in the Department of Theatre and Dance as kits including the mask, the filter holder, ii pieces of gauze and elastic straps. Students taking classes remotely or living off campus had mask kits shipped to them and so they would be part of the project.

The group and then created a Practicum project chosen the COVID-19 Halloween Mask Decorating Project . The students were asked to create and decorate using their wildest imaginations. Photos of the students in the Practicum classes uploaded a picture of themselves wearing their mask to the Theatre/Dance Instagram and Facebook pages. The project became a competition with the top 3 winners receiving prizes for the nigh artistic/cool/fun/crazy/wild/cocked/exciting mask (the prizes were paid for past a donation from Professor Fusco).

Our ultimate goal of the Mask Decorating Project was to requite every single one of our Theatre and Trip the light fantastic toe students the opportunity to join a project they could all be involved in to connect with and interact with their fellow students by creating something fun and creative. It was one way we could remember of to bring our entire pupil torso together to bring together in as a team during this foreign and difficult time.


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